C'hakilian (Ch-hăck-e-an)

 The dominant race of the empire, C’hakilians are a feared superpower whose star is rising. While their conquest may seem ruthless, they are known to be kind, noble rulers of their member races. C’hakilians respect order much the same way Klingons respect and revere honor. It is because of this desire for order that the C’hakilians so ruthlessly conquer other races: they feel there is a purity of usefulness for which each of their member races must be used. The result of that purity of usefulness is the kind treatment of each member race after conquering; C’hakilians do not want member races to become discontent with the role for which their kind has evolved. While this desire for order seems to agree with the Borg concept of “bringing order to chaos,” the C’hakilians regard the Borg as abominations that manufacture individuals to do functions for which they were not created.

The highly ordered C’hakilian society works on a command structure, which, among civilians, is based on merit and, militarily, is based on rank and accomplishment. Among civilians there is little claim to superiority since each individual is seen as having an equally useful place in society. C’hakilian civilians of high merit are seen has having had more time/opportunity to gain greater merit (and the corresponding comfort thereof). This somewhat socialist system still provides opportunity for betterment and an impetus to advance ones self and the society as a whole.

C’hakilians regard military positions as the greatest way to advance C’hakilian society, and great respect is given to members of the C’hakilian military. While not seen as more important parts of the C’hakilian society, C’hakilian warriors are viewed as more honorable and more pious, thus deserving more respect. Merit marks are given within each rank to depict ability and accountability. Only the highest ranks of C’hakilian military have to do with seniority.

Old C’hakilian Military saying, “A living regular is his rank: a dead regular is a martyr.” Sayings such as this one show how death in battle is seen as the greatest merit for C’hakilian regulars, a general term for any member of the C’hakilian military other than Marine equivalents. Should a regular live long enough to die of natural causes, his merit will determine whether he was a coward or an officer worth legends.

The role of C’hakilian females in C’hakilian society has yet to be determined.


C’hakilian Political System

The C’hakilian Empire is ruled by an elected official. However, that official has supreme executive power while he is in his position as the monarch. Under the Emperor is a large parliament, with three delegates from each recognized planet within the Empire. The people of each planet elect these delegates every decade. However, the Emperor is elected by the parliament every twenty years. For the election to pass, though, a representative from each member race must vote on whether or not to accept the election. There is no Khazi representative since they, as a species, just aren’t intelligent enough to make an informed decision. Of the panel of five reps (one of each: C’hakilan, Nikashi, Androgan, Oolanari, and Selanora), three must accept a newly-elected ruler as the new Emperor. The only power that Emperor will not have is to dissolve this system, and he can be impeached.