Weapons & Technology

Protomatter Stream Projector (PSP):


The PSP uses the unstable substance protomatter, the same substance that makes the Hellfire torpedo so powerful. Along with protomatter, charged photons are fired from the projector. The protomatter is not effective against shields, but an average of 50% of the weapon pierces shields when at full strength; modulation does not effect this figure much. Sometimes, a few of the protons sent in the stream change the armor of a ship into antimatter, causing much more potent destruction.

The other element of the PSP is unknown, but it causes the protomatter to react with a ship's armor and cut away at it. This same element of the PSP reacts with shielding systems to open holes in a ship's shields, allowing more protomatter to come in contact with the armor. The unknown substance is believed by some to be Borg technology.


One shot from a PSP caught the USS Mahan off-guard and destroyed torpedo control. However, the Mahan collected useful data about the weapon and has figured out a way to maximize shield efficiency against such a weapon.




A hand-held weapon used by C'hakilians the same way the Federation uses phasers. It is based on electrical technology. There are four settings.

1: Temporary stop: person hit loses use of his/her muscles. He/she will recover full use of functions in a matter of minutes.

2: Disable: same thing as level one with brief unconsciousness added. Recovery after a few hours.

3: Shock: person is knocked unconscious and mental shock occurs. This can lead to death if no medical attention is administered.

4: Kill: brainwaves stop and all electrical activity ceases within a body. Some parts of the body may melt (e.g. hair and skin directly hit).


The Lalachan can cut through rock and metal by melting the substance. The Lalachan can be narrowed to be used only on certain parts of the body as a form of torture.


Slug Shooter:


This is old technology, but it is still very useful (and deadly). C'hakilian recon teams love this weapon because it does not give away the team's position. However, they have not yet designed anything like the advanced sniper rifle that Starfleet has.


Pulse Phasers:


Pulse phasers are a new technology to the C'hakilians. Previously, they had relied on a version of the disruptor, as the physics behind phasers are not as well researched by the C'hakilian scientists as they are by Federation scientists. The weapon in the Attack ship is the same size and is just a powerful, but the recharge time is half again as long as the pulse phasers used on Defiant class ships.



C'hakilian shields are pulled tightly to the ship to make the ship as small a target as possible. There are multiple generators for the shields on the attack ships and corvettes, making any chance of a lucky shot taking out the

shields impossible. The shields, when compared to modern Federation models, are only 70% as effective.


Warp Engines:

The single engine design the C'hakilians use is confusing to Federation engineers at this time, but they are believed to be at least 20% more efficient than Federation designs due to a more streamlined warp field. All attack ships and corvettes have a maximum warp comparable to a Mahan carrier moving at emergency speed, giving them an extreme

advantage when running away from or after other ships.