Campaigns against the C'hakilian
Campaign for the C'Fara System:
Phase 1: Send the USS Agamemnon's Mobule Fleet Command Center, USS Imzadi, to scout and investigate C'hakilian
invasion build up. Stealth is of paramount importance, ship is to remain cloaked at all times, the C'hakilian's must not know that the ships are there. In the even of discovery, retreat is the only option. The USS Lexingon moves to nearby system in case of discovery of the Imzadi.
Phase 2: Task Force 58 to staging area to prepare for missions. Staging area to be located at Starbase Bravo putting the fleet between the C'hakilians and the Raeyan System.
Phase 3: Mission briefings to be attended by all CO's only, briefings will takes place in the Task Force Commanders Office on Star Base Bravo. Once briefings are complete, CO's to return to their ships and brief their crews.
Phase 4: Starting 30 minutes after the briefing. Mobilize all Strike Groups, except the Agamemnon's group, under cloak, to their respective targets. Independent groups , Agamemnon's group, to head to C'hakilian border, departing 6 hours later. This way the C'hakilians sees them coming, and thinks they are the primary assault group while the other groups move under cloak to their targets.
Campaign Flagship Group: "In the Fire"
Mission: Proceed to C'hakilian starbase located around C'fara II before it reaches operational status. If unable to capture starbase it must be destroyed.
Starbase Strike Group: "Silent Running"
Mission: Attack C'hakilian Communications array and starbase. Currently at 90% completion. Destroying the array cuts their primary Communications network for all fighters. There are 6 destroyers and 12 corvettes.
Strike Group Alpha: "First and Ten"
Mission: Intercept and disable a C'Hakilian Troop Convoy heading to C'fara V. Convoy protected by There are destroyers and corvettes but numbers are unknown
Strike Group Beta: "To the Beach"
Mission: Proceed to C'Fara II. Transport Troops and medical supplies. Planet protected by nearly 16 C'hakilian Corvettes. Other defense systems, currently offline. Unknown number of ground troops in place. Once space forces complete beam Marines down to secure C'Fara V to remove all C'hakilian Marine Forces.
Strike Group Delta: "Fire flies the Fight"
Mission: Intercept Three carriers orbiting the C'hakilian Starbase. Carriers are only 75% full. Expecting approximately 420 fighters. (Destroying the Carriers will prevent the Raeyan system from being attacked ) Stop Carriers before they arrive at Raeyea III.
Bravo Fleet Flagship: USS Pegasus: "Blind Date"
Mission: Stop any ships entering the Raeyan system that pass our primary forces and destroy them to protect the system.
Phase 5: Once all Strike Group's are in place, The Independents will begin their attack. Signaling the others to commence.
Phase 6: Once complete with mission objectives, all ship's return to staging area, Starbase Bravo, for debriefing. As before CO's only.
Phase 7: All ships to part company, and return to active duty, or space dock for repairs.
All other information on this Campaign is Classified.